The World of Mimi - Save the Earth!
The World of Mimi - Save the Earth!
My Second Professional Work
Probably you already read that first was created like a gift for me by my husband Gianpoalo Bottin - Just after the beginning I added to the name of site "Friendship Overland!" and it had this name almost to the end of 2010. But now I think the priority of everybody on the World should be to "Save the Earth!". Almost at the beginning I started to manage the site and to update it with new pictures. Having a love of photography and creating beauty for the eyes with computer in 2009 I started to study "Programming and Management of Web site" with the new technologies and now I am this one who created the new interface of my web site.
All the same I saved some old works created by me in the past like Old Photo Gallery, Screen Savers, Reflections and My Blog.
- Old photo Gallery is created with Coppermine Photo Gallery.
- Screen Saver were realized with gPhotoShow by Gianpoalo Bottin.
- Reflectios created with Lake Java Applet by Anfy Team.
- My Blog is realized with Word Press.
In 2010 I complately changed the interface and graphic of The Template was created by me. I was based on Joomla to develop my web site. Joomla gives possibilite to use free sources and modules for creating one really proffesional web site. Thanks to all the boys that developed this product and all other modules you could find.
Languages used for this site are: HTML & CSS, PHP, Java Script,. I used also the programs of Adobe CS4 - Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Bridge, Flash. I used also some API by Panoramio to show my pictures there.
In 2014 I decided to change again the graphic of my site. The articles and more important information was saved. Now the site you see is based again on Joomla. To create the Template now I used Template Toaster. It is easy to use it and gives you possibily to create a modern and nice design. Some APP's and PlugIns gives reachness to the site.
To see the difference of interface of my web site look at:
- The World of Mimi - Friendship Overland! as it was:
- The World of Mimi - Save the Earth! - second interface:
- The World of Mimi - Save the Earth! - current interface:
If you are interested of my works and you are looking for a
Graphic & Web Designer or similar works please contact me